The President, as the presiding officer, maintains a fair and impartial position at all times and encourages members to participate. The President may vote when voting is by ballot. In other cases, may cast a vote to create or break a tie if the result is in the best interest of the association. If there is no President in place, the First Vice President will assume the role.
- Provides leadership for promoting the National PTA mission and objectives.
- Created agenda for all board meetings one week prior to the meeting.
- Attends all board meetings held on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
- Presides at all meetings of the association, executive board, and executive committee. Leads board and general PTA meetings.
- Performs duties as may be prescribed in the ACES PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules, or as assigned by the association.
- Insures that all officers and committee chairs adhere to the ACES (NC) PTA Bylaws, Standing Rules; and conducts their position in a manner consistent with the National PTA goals and objectives as well as the PTA unit goals.
- Coordinates the officers, committees, and all activities for ACES PTA, in conjunction with the administration and teachers of ACES
- Meets with school principal on a monthly basis, starting with the beginning of term.
- Assists with yearly updates to ACE handbook info for Parents/Students.
- Coordinates web site updates. (Meeting agendas, minutes, newsletters, What’s going on, etc)
- Attends all PTA events and activities that he/she is available.
- Submits “President’s Message” to Newsletter Editor for PTA Newsletter. Works with Newsletter Editor to insure newsletter contains important events and issues.
- Submits “PTA President’s Letters” to school administration for the ACE Handbook and to the Student Directory chairperson (if needed).
- Approves all correspondence, in conjunction with principal that is to go to parents/teachers from ACE PTA.
- Approves all Check Requests and Grant Applications. In the event that expenditures for a budget line item exceed the budgeted amount adopted by the association, the President has the authority to either approve or disallow the overage, provided it does not exceed 25% of the total line item.
- Has Check Signing Authority.
- Assists officers and committee chairs understand their duties and oversees their work.
- The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
- Attends Wake County PTA Council meetings if able.
- Attends leadership training sessions of PTA Council, State PTA Convention, Camp PTA, and other school system and community groups as needed.
- The President may attend the North Carolina PTA Convention, with reimbursement of the convention fee and lodging expenses (if necessary) from the ACE PTA unit.
- Encourages other officers and chairs to attend pertinent meetings/training and to join the Wake County PTA Council Forum (list serve) to stay informed.
- Stays in touch with Council, State, and National PTA via their newsletters, list serves, and web sites.
- Informs officers, chairs and parents about important events and issues.
- Develops, in conjunction with principal, the PTA Calendar of Events.
- Maintains PTA permanent files in a safe, locked area. Insures that the ACE PTA complies with a Records Retention Policy. (needs to be adopted or developed)
- Signs all contracts and agreements for ACE PTA.
- Insures that the association’s 501(c)(3) status is protected with help from the Treasurer.
- Forwards names of new officers to the state association and PTA council.
- Orients president-elect to the president position and forwards all records and unit information in an organized fashion at completion of term along with a Year-End Officer Report.
- Forwards to president-elect the National PTA Annual Resources manual for the coming school year (arrives via mail to out-going president in July or August).
- The president-elect will fill the positions of standing committee chairpersons for the coming school year.
- Insures, in conjunction with ESL Parent Liaison and ESL Lead Teacher, that there are adequate interpreters and/or translated materials for PTA meetings and programs if needed.
- Orders flowers, memorials, and sends cards as needed (death, illness, etc.)
- Plans and coordinates new officer installation each Spring.
The President, as the presiding officer, maintains a fair and impartial position at all times and encourages members to participate. The President may vote when voting is by ballot. In other cases, may cast a vote to create or break a tie if the result is in the best interest of the association. If there is no President in place, the First Vice President will assume the role.