School Principal
- Acts as aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence
- Attends monthly PTA business meetings, general membership meetings, board meetings, and executive committee meetings.
- Has Check Signing Authority
- Serves on Nomination Committee.
- Organizes the school fun run to be held in October each year (may or may not be through Boosterthon)
- Organizes spirit night events at local restaurants, with at least 1-2 events being held each Quarter
- Maintains copies of all flyers and correspondence related to fundraising events
- Informs the President when Community Use applications need to be filled out for fundraising events
- Updates or provides oversight on FB and Twitter posting related to fundraising events
- Oversees the activities of the Fundraising Committee
- The First Vice President may attend the North Carolina PTA Convention, with reimbursement of the convention fee and lodging expenses (if necessary) from the ACE PTA.
- Attends leadership training sessions of PTA Council, Camp PTA, and other training opportunities as appropriate.
- Keeps the President informed of all activities on an on-going basis.
- Provide Thank You Correspondence to all committee chairpersons upon completion of their responsibility.
- Acts as aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence
- Attends monthly PTA business meetings, general membership meetings, board meetings, and executive committee meetings.
- Has Check Signing Authority
- Serves on Nomination Committee
- Oversees the activities of the Hospitality Committee
- Coordinates Welcome Back Teacher Breakfast
- Coordinates hospitality events on early release days
- Coordinates at least 2 teacher luncheons per year
- Maintains copies of all flyers and correspondence related to hospitality events
- Informs the President when Community Use applications need to be filled out for hospitality events
- The Second Vice President may attend the North Carolina PTA Convention, with reimbursement of the convention fee and lodging expenses (if necessary) from the ACES PTA.
- Attends leadership training sessions of PTA Council, Camp PTA, and other training opportunities as appropriate.
- Keeps the President informed of all activities on an on-going basis.
- Forwards all records and PTA unit information pertinent to the Second Vice President position, along with a completed Year-End Officer Report, to the PTA President at the end of term.
- Provide Thank You Correspondence to all committee chairpersons upon completion of their responsibility.
School Principal
- This will be the principal of the school.
- DOES NOT have Check Signing Authority.
- Serves as liaison between the school and the PTA.
- Serves in an advisory capacity to the PTA on school matters.
- Meets with PTA President on a monthly basis.
- Attends PTA calendar planning meetings, PTA business meetings and general membership meetings.